Election 2020: Democratic & Republican Challenges, Election Systems, Constitutional Changes, Optimism about the Future?

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In this final installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss the challenges facing the Democrats and Republicans as well as how they can address them, potential changes to elections, if people’s faith in elections can be restored, suggested changes to the American political system, and our optimism (or lack thereof) about the future of American politics.

2020 Presidential Election by County in 3D (Doc’s Recommendation)

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Politics Makes Me Sick (Mike’s Other Podcast)

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Election 2020: Georgia Runoffs, Biden Priorities, Gridlock & 2022, What We’ve Learned

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss the upcoming US Senate runoff elections in Georgia, top priorities for a Biden administration, legislative gridlock & the 2022 midterm elections, whether Joe Biden and Donald Trump are too old to run again, and what this election has taught us about American politics.

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Mike’s New(ish) PodcastPolitics Makes Me Sick 

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Election 2020: The Aftermath, Part II

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss President Trump’s legal challenges in battleground states, potential Justice Department involvement in investigating allegations of vote fraud, if President Trump should concede, how claims of fraud might affect the perceived legitimacy of a Biden administration, and lots more.

Attorney General Barr’s memo to US Attorneys on vote fraud investigations.

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Mike’s New PodcastPolitics Makes Me Sick 

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Election 2020: The Aftermath (Part I)

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss another big popular vote win for the Democrats coupled with an (as of now)  too-close-to-call Electoral Vote, younger voters going overwhelmingly for Biden, the enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden, Democratic bias in the polls and how that might have actually hurt Biden, how the campaigns have reacted so far, and what Democrats, Republicans, and the media can potentially learn from this election.

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Mike’s New PodcastPolitics Makes Me Sick 

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Election 2020: Polls & Predictions

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss how historically accurate election polling has been, what the polls say now, if we should trust the polls after 2016, and our predictions for the presidential race as well as control of the House and Senate.

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Mike’s New PodcastPolitics Makes Me Sick

Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. If you’re interested in supporting the podcast, go to patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support.

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Election 2020: Immigration & Citizenship

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss how the Trump and Biden camps differ on immigration and citizenship. We discuss the Mexico border wall & border security, asylum changes under the Trump administration, DACA & Dreamers, legal immigration, and lots more.

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Mike’s New PodcastPolitics Makes Me Sick

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Election 2020: Race & Gender

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss how the Trump and Biden camps differ on race and gender issues, focusing on  LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and racial justice.

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Election 2020: COVID Hits the White House, Trump Pulling out of Next Debate, VP Debate

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss the coronavirus outbreak in the White House, why there have been more reported cases among prominent Republicans than Democrats, if President Trump should pull out of the “virtual town hall” debate scheduled for October 15th, and the style and substance of the Vice Presidential debate between Senator Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence.

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Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. If you’re interested in supporting the podcast, go to patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support.

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Election 2020: The Catastrophe in Cleveland (1st Presidential Debate)

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series, featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss the first presidential debate, held on Tuesday September 29 in Cleveland, Ohio. Topics we cover include:

  • if debates matter and if this one might matter more than usual
  • whether the American public wants substantive policy debate
  • who ‘won’ the debate –  and what winning a debate means
  • where Trump and Biden were strongest and weakest
  • what each candidates hoped to accomplish, and whether they were successful

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Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. If you’re interested in supporting the podcast, go to patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support.

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Election 2020: Foreign Policy & The Military

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In this installment of our “Election 2020” series featuring six Northern Kentucky University students, we discuss President Trump and Joe Biden on their approach to foreign policy, China, Russia, the Middle East, North Korea, and the military.

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Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. If you’re interested in supporting the podcast, go to patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support.

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