Florida Voting Law, COVID Vaccine, Liz Cheney & House GOP

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Mike, Jay, and Olivia discuss whether Florida’s new voting law is a solution in search of a problem or a reasonable election security measure, COVID vaccination rates and whether waiving intellectual property protections will be an overall benefit, and what Liz Cheney’s all but certain ouster as the #3 House Republican means for the near-term future of the GOP.

Mike’s Recommendations
For All Mankind and Ted Lasso (Apple+)

Olivia’s Recommendations
Sharp Objects and The Undoing (HBO Max)

Jay’s Recommendation
The Pioneers. David McCullough

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2 thoughts on “Florida Voting Law, COVID Vaccine, Liz Cheney & House GOP”

  1. Trying to discredit Jay by saying he lives in a fantasy land where everyone thinks like him was against what I believe the Politics Guys show was originally about. Debate the policies, don’t discredit the other side, I can turn on cable news for that. Mike has become more and more condescending to Jay over the last year, I’m considering unsubscribing because of it.

    1. It could be that I misspoke or wasn’t expressing myself very well, because I certainly didn’t intend to discredit Jay. I don’t believe I said he lived in a fantasy world, but if I did I shouldn’t have said that. What I very much *do* believe is that Jay doesn’t fully appreciate that most people aren’t as thoughtful and rational as he is – or if he does, it’s difficult for him to fully appreciate the full consequences of this. Also, I believe he doesn’t appreciate the advantages he (and I) enjoy as fairly well off straight white males. If more people were more like Jay, I absolutely believe this would be a far better world, something I’ve said to him – and on the show – multiple times because it’s absolutely true. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. – Mike

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