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Mike, Jay, and Olivia discuss whether Florida’s new voting law is a solution in search of a problem or a reasonable election security measure, COVID vaccination rates and whether waiving intellectual property protections will be an overall benefit, and what Liz Cheney’s all but certain ouster as the #3 House Republican means for the near-term future of the GOP.
Mike’s Recommendations
For All Mankind and Ted Lasso (Apple+)
Olivia’s Recommendations
Sharp Objects and The Undoing (HBO Max)
Jay’s Recommendation
The Pioneers. David McCullough
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Trying to discredit Jay by saying he lives in a fantasy land where everyone thinks like him was against what I believe the Politics Guys show was originally about. Debate the policies, don’t discredit the other side, I can turn on cable news for that. Mike has become more and more condescending to Jay over the last year, I’m considering unsubscribing because of it.
It could be that I misspoke or wasn’t expressing myself very well, because I certainly didn’t intend to discredit Jay. I don’t believe I said he lived in a fantasy world, but if I did I shouldn’t have said that. What I very much *do* believe is that Jay doesn’t fully appreciate that most people aren’t as thoughtful and rational as he is – or if he does, it’s difficult for him to fully appreciate the full consequences of this. Also, I believe he doesn’t appreciate the advantages he (and I) enjoy as fairly well off straight white males. If more people were more like Jay, I absolutely believe this would be a far better world, something I’ve said to him – and on the show – multiple times because it’s absolutely true. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. – Mike