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Mike and Jay start this week with an analysis of the shakeup among President Trump’s top advisors. First it was Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci being fired 10 days after he was named to the position and before his first official day on the job. The man behind the firing was new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, who many conservatives hope will bring some order and discipline to the White House. Mike and Jay wonder if this is possible, given that so much of the chaos seems to come from the president himself.
Next it’s a look at the major restructuring of immigration policy for which President Trump signaled his approval. Neither Jay nor Mike think the move is advisable, but it’s clearly near and dear to the hearts of nationalists like top Trump advisor Steve Bannon.
After that the Guys take a look at some good jobs news, which President Trump quickly took full credit for, even though the pace of job creation over his first six months in office is actually slightly behind job creation during President Obama’s last six months in office. The larger point though is that presidents tend to get (and take) way too much credit for good economic news, and get way too much blame when the economy isn’t performing well.
Finally, Jay and Mike consider some actions recently taken by the Senate, particularly a move to shore up Obamacare, and wonder whether the Senate might be moving on from President Trump.
This Week’s Recommendations:
Mike – Global Dispatches (podcast)
Jay – Struggling Americans Once Sought Greener Pastures – Now They’re Stuck.
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I am a 56 year old Canadian and lived hete my whole life. We have had single pay universal healthcare since the 1960s. Nit sure where Jay gets his info on our health care, btw Jay you are great, BUT I pick my own Doctor and always have. And my Dr and I decide my treatment NEVER the Canadian government. I suspect that the rich private US health companies want to scare UAll about single payer health care. Every Canadian has zero deductible coverage with no limits on pre existing conditions. Jay, get with the 60s, MAN and Make America Great Like Canada ?PS ❤️ your show and both of you, but in a manly, brother way