PG128: Senate Tax Bill, Flynn Makes a Deal, Who’s Running the CFPB?

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This week, Mike and Jay start off with a look at the Senate tax bill, which passed by a vote of 51-49, with ‘no’ votes from every Democrat and one Republican (Tennessee’s Bob Corker). Jay is a lot more optimistic about the economic growth potential of the cuts than Mike is, though they both agree that corporate tax reform is necessary. They also agree that there will be a House-Senate compromise leading to a bill for President Trump to sign. In the end, Mike fears that the resulting law will significantly increase the national debt as well as make a bad economic inequality situation even worse, though for the sake of the country he hopes he’s wrong and Jay is right.

Then it’s a big announcement about the future of The Politics Guys. Mike and Jay talk about why they’re going ad free and how they plan to expand the show.

After that, the Guys discuss the plea deal entered into by former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Jay doesn’t think there’s much there, but cautions that we’ll have to wait and see what potentially damaging information Flynn may have on other Trump administration officials. Mike views this as another in a long line of instances where the cover-up may be worse than the crime. He doesn’t see this as ending Donald Trump’s presidency and expresses concern about the ‘normalization’ of presidential impeachment.

The show closes with a discussion of who the rightful head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is. Mike was really hoping that the law supported the claim of CFPB Deputy Director Leandra English, but after reviewing the evidence he agrees with Jay that President Trump had the right to make CFPB foe Mick Mulvaney the acting head of the bureau.

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