New Hampshire, Abbott’s Order, Immigration Bill

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Trey and Jay open a special right-wing look at the week’s politics! Next week the left takes over with Mike and Ken.

Trey and Jay open the episode diving deeply into New Hampshire’s Republican primary. This includes a look at the voter turnout, demographic shifts, delegate count, and what the exit of DeSantis means for the race. Trey is hopeful of a Haley victory and sees her easily defeating Biden on the most recent polling data. Jay is like sure and more sure that the race is effectively over. They also discuss the influence the civil ruling against Trump in the amount of $83.3 million

Next, they discuss Texas Governor Abbott’s recent order declaring an invasion and therefore the “right” of Texas to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court and Federal law. Jay and Trey agree that there is no historical nor constitutional basis to the order, but Jay argues the use of the term invasion is a good one in a cultural context. Trey deeply disagrees and the two have a deep debate over the merits of different immigration policies. Trey believes in the easier free movement of people without much benefit to deep border policies, Jay sees the need for tougher regulation to crack down on fentanyl and crime.

They close the show with an update on the possibility of an immigration bill paired with Ukraine / Israel funding. Jay believes it is likely and that House Republicans will take a win if they can get it. Trey believes McConnell that Republicans don’t want a win until Trump is in office and that some House Republicans are no votes without question.

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Iowa Caucuses, Budget Deal, US and Houthis, Immigration and Ukraine

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Mike and May open the episode with a look at Donald Trump’s decisive victory in Iowa and what may lie ahead for Trump, Nikki Haley, and Ron DeSantis in New Hampshire. Mike seems to be holding out some hope that Haley can mount a long-shot challenge to Trump, but May believes the race is all but over at this point.

Next, they welcome political scientist Kimberly Weir for a discussion of the US response to Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea. Kimberly discusses the factors influencing the Houthi’s actions, May evaluates the US response, and Mike offers his thoughts on the military difficulties facing the US in responding to Houthi attacks.

Following that, Mike and May turn to the continuing resolution the averted a government shutdown. Mike believes that Speaker Mike Johnson bowed to the political and numerical realities of the situation in passing the CR despite the opposition of nearly half of his caucus.

They close by evaluating the chances for legislation on immigration and Ukraine aid in 2024, which neither of them believes to be too likely.

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Black Grief, White Grievance, and the Politics of Loss

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Mike talks with Juliet Hooker, the Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science at Brown University. Professor Hooker is a political theorist specializing in racial justice and has authored multiple books, the latest of which is Black Grief/White Grievance: The Politics of Loss, which is the topic of their discussion.

Topics Mike and Juliet Cover Include:
– the meaning of Black grief and white grievance
– justified and unjustified political loss
– why the context of a loss is important
– differing responses to political loss
– the baseline entitlement assumptions of whites in America
– the politics of refusal
– racism and the narrowing of the political imagination
– the ‘dominant official romantic narrative’ of the civil rights movement
– repairing vs salvaging American democracy
– reasons for optimism

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Is Israel Committing Genocide in Gaza?

In this special bonus segment, Mike is joined by political scientist and international relations expert Kimberly Weir (who also happens to be married to Mike) for a discussion of whether or not Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and why South Africa brought their genocide claim before the International Court of Justice.

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Where’s Austin?, Israel and Genocide, Hunter Biden, Trump’s Statement

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Trey and Ken open the show by outlining the strange disappearance of U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Both Trey and Ken agree that deep mistakes were made by Austin, but Trey thinks Biden should have noted publicly that it was a mistake. Ken thinks that Republicans have created an environment where Democrats cannot apologize.

Next is a discussion of both the Federal District Court Case against President Biden for failing to prevent genocide in Gaza and the ICJ case from South Africa accusing Israel of genocide. Ken argues that the legal definition of genocide has not been met by any stretch. Trey argues that the American left may not have an ethic of a just war anymore and that, as a result, many of Democrats are wrongly critical of Israel.

Then they turn to Hunter Biden’s appearance at the House Oversight Committee before pleading not guilty to three felonies and six misdemeanors. Trey saw the whole thing as a made-for-TV moment, but one that will ultimately hurt President Biden. Especially because he thinks it is likely Hunter will be found guilty on a few of the charges. Ken thinks it is the right move for Hunter and is less convinced of guilty charges.

They end the show discussing the strange closing arguments for Trump in civil court. They also make conflicting predictions. Trey believes that the Court couldn’t behave in a normal manner with Trump and therefore that there will be no lasting rulings against him, Ken continues to believe he will be held accountable.

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The Law of Presidential Impeachment

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Mike talks with Michael Gerhardt, a professor of jurisprudence at the University of North Carolina Law School and a long-time student of presidential impeachment. He’s the author of the just-released book, The Law of Presidential Impeachment: A Guide for the Engaged Citizen, which is the topic of their discussion.

Topics Discussed Include:
– why impeachment is in the Constitution
– if impeachment has been underutilized
– the threat of impeachment as a check on abuse of power
– the misconception that impeachment is a political process
– presidential due-process rights in an impeachment
– Senators breaking their oaths during impeachment trials
– the five presidential impeachments
– if impeachment can be made less partisan

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Trump 2024, Gay Resigns, More Menendez Charges, Border Dispute

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Mike and Jay open with a look at the Supreme Court’s decision to rule on whether or not Donald Trump can appeal on the presidential ballot in Colorado. They both predict that the Court will rule for Trump, with Mike thinking that there’s a greater chance of a near-unanimous decision than Jay foresees.

Next is a discussion of President Biden’s unofficial 2024 reelection campaign speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. They agree with Biden’s factual accounting of Donald Trump’s actions (and inactions), but Jay argues that Biden’s choice of words was inflammatory and disingenuous. Mike responds that there’s good reason to fear serious consequences for America if Trump wins in 2024.

Then they turn to the resignation of Harvard president Claudine Gay and how racial animus played into it, followed by more charges being leveled against Senator Robert Menendez, and ending with a discussion of whether or not the Border Patrol should be allowed to remove razor-wire put in place by the state of Texas to deter migrant crossings.

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Seth Kaplan on Repairing America’s Fragile Neighborhoods

Mike talks with Seth Kaplan, a Professorial Lecturer at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Professor Kaplan has published widely in the area of development, including two books on fragile states, and has served as a consultant to organizations including the World Bank, U.S. State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the OECD. He’s the author of multiple books, the most recent of which is Fragile Neighborhoods: Repairing American Society, One Zip Code at a Time, which they discuss on this episode.

Topics Mike and Seth Discuss Include:
– what it means for a neighborhood to be fragile
– the distinction between economic and social poverty
– key factors driving the increase in social poverty
– top-down vs ‘sideways’ approaches to helping fragile neighborhoods
– programs that have made a real difference
– if we need to rethink the American Dream

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What’s Wrong with Congress and How Can We Fix It? (Part 2)

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In Part 2 of this crossover episode between The Politics Guys and Beyond Politics, Mike and Beyond Politics host Matt Robison consider potential solutions to the problems plaguing Congress. They cover a lot of ground, including the influence of money in politics, the impact of media on political discourse, and the intricacies of the voting system. Specific reforms they discuss include a voucher system for campaign finance, the restoration of the talking filibuster in the Senate, approval voting, and rank choice voting.

Be sure to listen to Part 1 of the conversation on the Beyond Politics podcast.

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Trump’s Eligibility and Immunity, Migrant Caravan, Trade Policy

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Mike and Jay open the episode with a look at multiple state decisions concerning whether or not Donald Trump is eligible to appear on the GOP primary ballot. They consider the 14th Amendment’s Insurrection Clause and whether the elements apply to Trump, the authority of state officials to rule on this, and how (or even if) they believe the Supreme Court will rule on the issue.

Following that is a discussion of immigration policy as another large migrant caravan makes its way to the United States. Jay argues that our immigration system is broken and Mike agrees, though he pushes back on Jay’s claim that we have essentially open borders. They discuss what sort of compromise is possible and who may be standing in the way of action on immigration.

Then it’s back to Trump, considering the Supreme Court’s decision to not take up his presidential immunity claim before the D.C. Circuit has a chance to rule. They both see this as the correct decision and a positive development for Trump, even though it’s unlikely he’ll avoid a jury verdict before January of 2025.

They close with what a second Trump term might mean for trade, a prospect both Mike and Jay find deeply troubling.

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