DEA Agents Party With Drug Cartel Hookers

You may be a damn good DEA agent, but around here, we do things by the book!—- attend a party with drug cartel hookers, and you’re looking at a two to ten day suspension!

“Seven of the 10 DEA agents alleged to have participated in the gatherings — most of which took place at “quarters” leased by the U.S. government — admitted to having attended the parties, the report found. They received suspensions of between two to 10 days.” (Washington Post, via MSN News, 03/26/15)

Aaron Schock: Like Lincoln, But With Even Better Abs!

In his ‘farewell speech‘ disgraced Representative and former Men’s Health cover model Aaron Schock said that his situation was a lot like Abe Lincoln’s. Except for the cheating on his mileage reports. And spending tens of thousands of dollars to decorate his office, Downton Abbey style. And being, in general, a big giant corrupt ass. But that aside yeah – they’re practically the same guy. (Politico, 3/26/15)

Ted Cruz – Could He WIn? (um … no)

In an article guaranteed – and probably designed – to rile up its subscriber base, The New Yorker looks at how Ted Cruz is like Barack Obama, how a Cruz nomination could further transform the GOP, and how – just maybe – he could win. (Though their reasoning – in a general election, anything can happen – isn’t exactly impressive.)  (The New Yorker, 3/24/2015)

How Much Will Keeping Troops in Afghanistan Cost?

You won’t find any mention of the cost in this New York Times article. The Pentagon frowns on discussing costs, and most of the mainstream media seems all too happy to go along. If you dig a little, you can get at least a rough estimate.

According to the Congressional Research Service, it costs roughly $3.9 million per troop per year in Afghanistan. Meaning that keeping 9,800 troops there for another year should run about $38 billion (and change). Now, I’m certainly not a highly trained journalist like the people working at the New York Times, but that seems like a pretty important fact.

PG05: Meaningless Budgets, Mandatory Voting, Talking Race at Starbucks

This Week’s Stories
– The stingy, shortsighted, and essentially meaningless GOP budget plan.
– President Obama on mandatory voting (he’s for it).
– Starbucks attempt to get us to talk about race with our baristas.
– Mitch McConnell to the EPA: I hate you guys so much.
– The (not so high) rise and fall of Congressman Aaron Schock.
– The Obama / Magnum P. I. Connection.

How the Budget Process Works (in theory)
If Everyone Voted, Not Much Would Change (The Monkey Cage)
The Aaron Schock Workout (Men’s Health)
Obamas not buying Magnum P.I. House (we refuse to believe this)