Trump’s Trial, Religious Funding, Faithless Electors

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This week’s show opens with Mike & Jay discussing the Senate trial of President Trump. They both agree that the president did something, but while Mike thinks that something is criminal activity worthy of impeachment and removal, Jay doesn’t believe it rises to that level. Along the way, Mike suggests that President Trump is like a monkey in a museum and Mitch McConnell is the Senate’s Bill Belichick.

Next, the Guys look at Montana v Espinoza, a case the Supreme Court heard this week involving an indirect state subsidy to religious schools. They agree that Montana’s Supreme Court overreached in invalidating the program, a program that Jay feels is good public policy and that Mike thinks hurts public schools.

After that is the issue of faithless electors, which the Supreme Court will be ruling on prior to the 2020 presidential election. The issue is whether or not states can bind their electors to vote a certain way. Both Mike and Jay argue that electors are free to vote as they wish. Mike goes further and makes a case for replacing electors with either a national popular vote (his ideal) or a system of split electoral votes like Maine and Nebraska currently employ.

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