Martin Ford Interview

Mike talks with futurist and author Martin Ford. His most recent book is Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future, a New York Times bestseller and winner of the 2015 Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award. They discuss the Seven Deadly Economic Trends, what jobs are likely to be automated (and when), whether white collar jobs are at risk from automation, the jobs least likely to be automated in the near future, and more.

Martin Ford’s Website
Martin Ford on twitter
RealClear Future

PG80: Russian Hacking, Questionable Trump Picks, Fed Rate Hike

This week, Mike and Jay start out by talking more about Russian hacking: What we know, how it may have affected the election, Donald Trump’s response, and if the U.S. should retaliate. After that they look at the latest picks in Donald Trump’s administration, particularly the hard-liner he’s chosen as Ambassador to Israel. Finally, it’s an analysis of what the Federal Reserve’s rate hike means, followed by listener mail.

Brendan Nyhan Interview

Mike interviews political scientist Brendan Nyhan, a professor in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College. His research on political misperceptions has been published in many of the top journals in the field. He’s also a contributor to ‘The Upshot‘ at the New York Times – one of Mike’s ‘must read’ sites.

Show Links
– Brendan Nyhan’s personal website
– Brendan Nyhan on twitter
Nuzzel – an incredibly useful twitter aggregator & organizer

PG79: Russian Election Influence, Cabinet Picks, Trump’s Tweets, Congress Works?

This week, the Guys start out by talking about ongoing controversies surrounding the 2016 presidential election. Now that Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein’s recount effort has mostly fizzled out, attention has focused on the Russians, who the CIA has concluded attempted to influence the election in favor of Donald Trump. Both Jay and Mike are concerned, but Mike feels that Jay is downplaying the importance of this. Next, they look at – believe it or not -major legislation passed by Congress, in one case, passed with huge bipartisan majorities. After that, it’s a discussion of Donald Trump’s latest cabinet picks, and how the media should cover Trump’s tweets.

Ask The Politics Guys: Election Questions

This week’s Ask The Politics Guys looks at two election-related questions. The first question – submitted by Alex, from Sandy, UT – is whether ranked-choice voting (sometimes called ‘instant runoff voting)) is a good idea.

The second question is whether the Electoral College – which will have made the popular vote loser the president in two of the last five elections – should be done away with.

PG78: Recounts, The Carrier Deal, More Trump Picks, OSU Terror Attack

This week, Mike and Jay start with a look at the three-state recount effort launched by Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein. The Clinton campaign has reluctantly become involved – reluctantly because they know that there’s essentially no way the recounts will change the result of the election. After that, they talk about Donald Trump’s deal to keep over 1,100 jobs at a Carrier plant in Indiana, look at how the Trump administration is filling out and what it might mean for policy, and talk about the latest incident of Islamic terrorism in the United States – a car & knife attack on the campus of Ohio State University.