McCarthy Out, California’s New Senator, Supreme Court Back, Trump Civil Case

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Mike and Jay open the show with a discussion of the ousting of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, with every Democrat joining eight Republicans in voting to remove McCarthy as Speaker. Mike asks Jay to explain what’s going on with his party, and whether he thinks this will hurt Republicans in 2024. Jay thinks there will be electoral consequences, but Mike doesn’t agree, at least not if an extended government shutdown is avoided. They have a lot to say about Matt Gaetz, none of it complimentary. (Though Mike gives him credit for solid political positioning.)

Following that is a discussion of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s appointment of Laphonza Butler to fill the seat held by the recently departed Dianne Feinstein, a Supreme Court case hinging on whether the word “and” might actually mean “or”, and Donald Trump accusing a court clerk in his civil trial of being Senator Chuck Schumer’s girlfriend and helping to “rig” the case against him.

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