Google Lawsuit, Tanks to Ukraine, NATO Expansion, Classified Documents

Mike & Jay open the episode with the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against Google for allegedly anticompetitive practices. They also discuss the nature of antitrust law, potential changes to search with the emergence of Microsoft-backed ChatGPT, and Paul Pelosi’s interestingly timed sell-off of his Google stock shortly before the DOJ suit was announced and Senator Josh Hawley’s PELOSI Act banning securities trading by members of Congress and their spouses.

Following that, they turn to foreign policy in a discussion of the implication of tanks to Ukraine, the probability of nuclear escalation by Putin, the likelihood of the war ending in 2023, and how large of an obstacle Turkey’s refusal to allow Sweden NATO membership will be to enlarging the alliance.

They close with a look at government document classification and mishandling in the wake of yet another top official – former VP Mike Pence – finding classified documents in his papers.

Jay’s Recommendation
The Revolutionary: Sam Adams. Stacy Schiff

Mike’s Recommendation
Philosophize This! Stephen West

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